On behalf of the members of Penarth Methodist Church welcome to our Website and our Church. We try to be a friendly and welcoming congregation who meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30am with a regular attendance of around 50 members.
We look forward to welcoming you into our fellowship, whether you want to become actively involved, join one of our weekly groups or just quietly attend Sunday worship.
If you are unable to worship in the church one Sunday then you can always listen to our Service by checking via the Recordings Tab on this site.
Children are always welcome at our services and hopefully will attend our Junior Church who join us for the early part of Sunday worship before returning to their various Junior Church groups.
We have a Pastoral team of over a dozen members who support our congregation by ‘looking after’ everyone who attends our church. They become a source of support, someone to talk to, and a contact between members.
Our church buildings are used by many community groups from a choir to learning Language groups, Line Dancing and Children's Dance Classes. If you are looking for a room (or hall) to run a community group or space for a children’s party, please get in touch via our Contact page. Throughout the week we also run all the Scouting and Guiding groups, and on Tuesday mornings we run ‘The Meeting Place’, a drop in café for anyone wanting tea and a chat.
The main entrance to the church is via the steps at the front where upon arrival at services you will receive a warm welcome. There is a step-free access around to the right-hand side of our building.
We are happy to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Circuit of seven churches as well as the whole of the Methodist Connexion.
Tony Farmer (Senior Steward).