Children's Ministries
We have a vibrant and growing children's ministry here at Penarth Methodist Church.
Find out more below about our activities.

Junior Church
Sunday, 10:30 AM (weekly)
We have a vibrant Junior Church, meeting every Sunday morning, beginning at 10:30am with the Church service, before enjoying bible stories, activities and crafts, and rejoining the church family for refreshments after the service.
Rachel Burge
Mary Farmer

Messy Church
Saturday, 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM (once a term)
Every few months, we hold Messy Church on a Saturday afternoon, for all the family to enjoy. We have lots of fun learning more about the bible through drama, games and messy crafts. The meeting ends with a shared meal.
Mary Farmer
Janet Pedwell
Sheila James

Trinity Tots
Thursday 9:15 AM - 11:00 AM (Weekly, Term-Time)
Trinity Tots meets weekly during term time in the Upper Hall. We start at 9.15, charge £2 per adult and run until 11am. There is a lift available if your baby is sleeping.
The group is organised by Church members and includes a singing session and a craft activity.
We welcome Mums, Dads, Grans, Grandads and all carers with pre-school children.